Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Live to Express

When people say that you need experience to understand things around you and what would happen and how would people perceive you when you behave in a particular way, I always thought that why should we behave in a way we are expected to, by others. Although we all do not like to be judged but we do and then we think about our choices that we have made. We introspect and do lots of things to understand how things could be better in order to pretend to be someone else's expectation. In this constant fight we forget who we truly are, what we are made of, what are the things that we have in us that makes us.

In the society people say that if we think about ourselves only, then we are selfish and that we have to think about others first. We are suppose to feel guilty about thinking for ourselves. Of course there is a fine line between being too selfish and harming anyone for our self

. But there are few things that are cliche about thinking in a particular way. Its like animal kingdom, there are certain rules and way of doing things and they cannot be changed. Now we say that we are different from animals and that we have the capability of using our brains and develop ourselves and grow intellectually, so then why do we become like animals by categorizing few practices as wrong and few right. Who defines what's "Wrong" and what's "Right"? I believe there is nothing wrong or right but there are different ways to think about a particular thing. It is about your perspective and your way to think about situations and deal with them. 

There are so many topics like life after marriage, same sex marriage, child after marriage, travel, solo travel, leading life alone, Job or business, earn good since your friend is earning better, compete and keep running after money, food or shelter or luxury, it seems we are slaves to our wishes. When one wish is finished we grab hold to another one. Its a loop and life seems to get caught in that loop and we forget what we truly are from within. I would be using somebody else's line here but its really apt to use it here that we live to impress and not express. These are 2 different words but sometimes to understand the exact meaning we have to go through lots of situations in life which makes us believe in expressing ourselves, without worrying about pleasing someone else. 

On the contrary, we should be open to critics as well and be open minded to accept others perspective and see the things the way they do and then we have a choice again to buy that thought or not. We should not be pressurized and feel guilty for taking a decision which may seem a little selfish but in the end it makes our SOUL happy. We should live free and to express ourselves. Yes, there will be opinions and judgments that will affect our behavior. Nobody can make you feel, the way you are feeling until unless you let it make you feel that way.

I am lucky to have people around me who appreciate for who I am and not what I should be. Hope we all find people who bring out the best in us and make us connect to our Soul and not just put a mask on our faces just to please others.

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